K9 Kamp Week 2 Highlights: We’re on the Ball…Kinda!

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Daisy as a Puppy with Basketball

The challenge for Week #2 of K9 Kamp was Play with Your Balls! Daisy has been a fan of playing ball since she was a puppy  and discovered her papa’s basketball but despite our best intentions, the heat and tropical rains got the better of us most days this week so we had to get creative with our challenge activities. We didn’t do nearly as much as we would have liked but we did what we could and had a good time!

Tennis Anyone?

tennis court gate

We don’t have a yard for off leash play, and the dog park was pretty swampy most of the week except for the day Daisy had a play date with her boyfriend Fin and they both just laid in the shade because it was too hot! So, we decided to sneak in to the tennis court while no one was looking.

Daisy Tennis

Daisy and I took advantage of the space to run around and chase the ball and each other, and I bounced it -sometimes over the net and sometimes just short – so that she was constantly guessing which way to go to try to catch it!

Walking Kick Ball:

Daisy Pink Nebo Ball

We play this game a lot on our regular walks. Daisy will find a coconut or old water bottle or something else that rolls and I kick it along ahead of us while trying to speed walk fast enough to catch up to it before it rolls away. A couple times I almost kicked Daisy in the head so watch out! Usually, Daisy carries the object in her mouth for a bit while we keep walking and then I give the “Drop” command and she does (most of the time). Here’s Daisy with one of her favorite balls during our game.

Daisy carrying her nebo ball


Indoor Chuckit! Game:

Daisy indoor chuckit

Since we live in Florida and have a LONG rainy season, we invested in the Chuckit! Indoor Play Set and use it frequently! The Chuckit! is a ball launcher handle thing that is designed to grab and fling the ball so it cuts down on bending and touching the slobbery ball and the indoor version is made of soft material so it doesn’t break stuff when you throw it.

Daisy Chuckit Fetch

We play indoor fetch with this a lot! This is super fun and a great workout for Daisy but not so much for me, so I added a little cardio for myself by running to hide somewhere as soon as Daisy ran to chase the ball. There are only like 3 really good hiding places so she figured it out kind of quickly but it got me up from my desk and moving around a bit more than usual which I need to do more of throughout the day!

So, those are the highlights from our week! How did you do with Week #2 of K9 Kamp Fitness Challenge? Be sure to leave a comment and let us know! Check in on the other featured pet bloggers and add your post to the blog hop,  too!


  1. That is so cool that you go on walks and encounter coconuts! lol. Nope, not here in NY. Anyway, great ideas for making playing with your balls fun this week! I love the indoor chuck-it that is very cool. Brooks gets his tennis balls all slobbery and gross when we toss them around outside (I had to work hard to make that sentence not sound disgusting.) Daisy is so adorable!
    Peggy & Kelly

  2. Walking Kickball – what a great idea! I never would have thought of that, but I bet it’s so much fun! I love all the cool stuff you did to complete your challenge!

  3. You guys did lots of different stuff! We’re curious to know where you live where there are coconuts laying around.

    Nubbin wiggles,

    • Hi Oskar! We live in Florida so there are coconut trees, and avocado trees and sometimes Daisy’s Papa comes home with mangoes grown on trees in his coworker’s backyard! I’ll try to get some photos of Daisy with the coconuts for ya!

  4. What a cool idea for walking kickball! I never thought of that. I’m sure Riley would drag me down the street if I tried to kick a ball ahead of us!! 🙂 Looks like you all had fun this week! Daisy is SOOO cute, btw!

  5. I love that little kicking game you play on walks! I really need to try that and see how Desmond does with it. I’m not sure if he would “get it”. And if he does get it, he may just try to run all over the place. Should be pretty funny either way. Thanks for the idea!

    By the way, we sneak into the tennis courts around here sometimes for the very same reason–too muddy and gross at the dog park.

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