Who Let The Dogs Out? Plexidor Dog Doors! #PetDoorStyle

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dog door

Daisy’s pals over at Libby’s place are some LUCKY PUPS! They recently got a new doggy door installed from Plexidor Performance Pet Doors and we have to admit we are more than a little bit envious. We rent right now on an upper floor so poor Daisy has to let me know when she wants to go out, or wait for us to get home to take her. Luckily I work from home, but it still would be SO nice to have a flexible option for days when things get crazy.

Although dogs should never be left unattended for long periods of time outdoors, a self-service option would be dreamy for anyone with a secure yard and it’s at the top of our list of must-haves just as soon as we move!

Not only does Libby do a great job of explaining the installation process and describing all the features of the door (great security is just one), but she also has some fantastic tips on teaching first-timer fur kids on how to use it! You can read all about it AND watch a slideshow she’s created by visiting her Plexidor product review over at Libby’s Library.

We also think you’ll love watching the dog door in action in this super cute video from Frankie I am a Lover Not a Fighter!

I am blogging on behalf of BlogPaws Pet Blogger Network and Plexidor. I received compensation for my time from Plexidor for sharing my views in this post, but the views expressed here are solely mine. We only share information on products and services we feel our readers will enjoy learning about.

You can learn more about security, energy efficiency and how to choose the right dog door for your size dog by visiting the Plexidor website for lots of great info and more photos!


  1. I count myself lucky to have received a new PlexiDor doggy door; our dogs love it and it looks really nice.  So much better than our former door.  We have several doors and now that I know that they allow dog doors in window doors, I’m curious if we should consider something like that.

    Good luck on the move!  One reason we loved our house is because the dogs can come in and out while we’re at work – they have their own fenced yard.

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