Wordless Wednesday: Need a Bigger Pool

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Daisy kiddie pool

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wordless wednesday pet photos

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Wordless Wednesday: Daisy’s World

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daisys world

earth toy

wordless wednesday pet photos

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Wordless Wednesday Wink from Daisy

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daisy wink

wordless wednesday pet photos

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Wordless Wednesday: Daisy Suffers From Empty KONG Syndrome

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kong empty

empty kong

sad empty kong

Warning: If you experience an Empty KONG lasting more than 4 hours, be sure to consult your Woof Woof Mama immediately for an emergency refill!

wordless wednesday pet photos

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Wordless Wednesday: A Dirty Daisy Is A Happy Daisy

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Daisy can always find the dirtiest spot at the whole dog park! The dirtier she gets, the happier she is!

 dd park

dirty face

dirty daisy

wordless wednesday pet photos

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