Wordless Wednesday: Daisy Suffers From Empty KONG Syndrome

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kong empty

empty kong

sad empty kong

Warning: If you experience an Empty KONG lasting more than 4 hours, be sure to consult your Woof Woof Mama immediately for an emergency refill!

wordless wednesday pet photos


  1. Oh wow she’s really not happy about an empty kong that’s for sure 🙂

  2. Slimdoggy says

    Poor thing…fill up that Kong!

  3. I feel like this is the beginning of a commercial. “Has this ever happened to you?” 🙂

  4. Hahaha! Oh I’ve seen that face before. Empty Kong syndrome is a serious, potential fatal disease (for the human, that is).

  5. Awww poor Daisy! Fill that Kong ma!

  6. Those darned Kongs are always getting empty!

  7. Now that looks tragic!

  8. Oh no! Maybe, just maybe if she tries hard enough, she’ll find a crumb or two left over. 🙂

  9. Aw, poor Daisy! Those KONGs have a habit of doing that.

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