Winter can be hazardous for people living in cold-weather regions – and for our four-legged friends. To help keep pets safe this winter, Morton Salt’s Safe-T-Pet® brand ice melt and the ASPCA have teamed up on a pawsome new public service campaign that kicks off on the first day of winter, Dec. 22, with “National Keep Pets Safe in Winter Day.”
As part of the “National Keep Pets Safe in Winter Day” campaign, Morton is making a $20,000 donation to the ASPCA to help continue its life-saving work and provide resources to pet owners on pet wellness. In addition, for every unique Facebook fan “like” received on Morton’s Facebook page through Jan. 31, 2012, Morton will donate $1 to the ASPCA, up to $55,000. This additional funding from Morton will be used by the ASPCA to raise awareness about the importance of proper winter pet care and safety.
Some quick guidelines for winter pet safety include:
- Using pet-friendly (salt free and chloride free) ice melters such as Morton® Safe-T-Pet®.
- Keeping anti-freeze high on shelves in sealed containers and quickly cleaning any spills/leakage.
- Limiting outdoor time for pets when temperatures drop below freezing.
- Checking warm spots on cars, such as hoods, where animals might seek shelter from the cold.
- Keeping pets on a leash, especially dogs, which can become disoriented or lost when once familiar surroundings are covered in ice and snow; and
- Making sure pets are wearing identification tags and proper outerwear as needed.
As an incentive to help spread the word about “National Keep Pets Safe in Winter Day” and to help the ASPCA receive the largest donation possible, you can LIKE Morton on Facebook via this Raffelcopter Contest and Automatically Be Entered to Win 1 of 2 Morton Safe-T-Pet Winter Kits that include a: mini Safe-T-Pet jug, Morton fleece stadium blanket, ice scrapper and a retractable leash ($30.00 retail value)!
Regardless of what the Winter Climate is where you live, I hope you will take this opportunity to participate and Help Spread the Word about this important pet safety issue and Help the ASPCA Receive the full $75,000 amount that Morton pledges to donate during this campaign. If necessary, Click Read More or Refresh the Page in Your Browser to access the Rafflecopter Widget below:
To keep my pet safe I got a new tag that can be read with a smart phone and now if my dog gets lost almost anyone can read his information including cell phone numbers.
I won’t let them off leash in yard
Thank goodness our backyard is fenced in and they are microchipped if they get lost and they have name tags with our address and number
It’s always goog to keep your babies updated on their rabies shots. You never know what can be lurking behind bushes.
My best tip is to adopt your new rescue dog in the winter – we just did, and it’s so cold that the puppy wants to be near to us and run inside after only a couple of minutes. No temptations to lure her away!
this is great! My best tip is if your dog LOVes to eat ice like mine, please do not allow him/her to get the icicles – they are just like kids.
My best tip in the winter is to always make sure to dry them off completely when bringing them in from the snow/rain. Don’t forget their pawsies! My pups have a heated bed (yes, they’re spoiled) that they just love snuggling up in too. 🙂!/diamondslady812/status/151076163069034497 I couldnt get rafflecopter to load for my entry today
i kept refreshing and got it… Merry Christmas
My tip is to use household cleaning products that state they are safe
to use around pets.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
We have a runner! LOL…so we always enter the house thru the garage and shut the garage door prior to going into the house. that way..if our runner decides to make a mad dash….he can only get into the garage. Such a little explorer we have!!!
We try to keep the house picked up so our pup doesn’t eat anything she shouldn’t. Some dogs have been known to eat things like socks, which can end up causing serious damage to their digestive system. As you might imagine. Even threads from blankets and towels can be quite dangerous.
welindsey at gmail dot com
It gets mighty cold and iced over in Wyoming. My miniature Aussie Shepard has dog socks for her paws. I put those on her if we are going to walk to the post office or be outside for any lengthy period of time. We don’t have sidewalks or paved streets in my town so our walk is usually on snow or ice.
I support the ASPCA and happily liked Morton’s facebook page to help raise money. Thank YOU for participating.
Never walk your dog at night, if they get loose they could get hit by a car.
I’ve been thinking we should get Daisy a reflective bandanna or leash or something since we take her out at night. She’s an apartment dog so we don’t have a fenced yard to let her out to at night when she needs to go potty after dark!
microchip is a good thing to do, i lost a dog and i really regret not having put a chip in her.
my pet safety tip is to keep your pet warm! my whippet needs a fleece coat in the winter : )
Spay or neuter your pet!
Definetly microchip and make sure that your dog has an id tag on them in case you get lost. =) I would be so heartbroken if my Monet didn’t come home one day. She is my bundle of love!
If your dog ingests something potentially dangerous like medication, you can give them hydrogen peroxide to make them vomit. We had to do it before once when my dog got into my pills and used a turkey baster to make her drink some hydrogen peroxide at vet’s recommendation. Definitely better to prevent them from getting into stuff in the first place, but things happen and it works in a pinch.
Always make sure your pet his microchip or an ID tag on him/her. My neighbor removed her dogs ID after a bath and forgot to put it back on. A few hours later he got out and has been gone since (this was in November). It just breaks my heart.
giveawaygal 87 at gmail dot com
I think the most importrant thing is to make sure your pet has a name tag your your contact information on it. You dont want your friend to get lost!
My best pet safety tip is to keep pets tags updated. It is so hard to return a lost pet to their owner if you can’t call the person. Those tags are so helpful but only if they have current info.
My tips are to have your dogs microchipped and always on a leash outside your home. We have a fenced-in backyard for them to get exercise but maybe areas have fenced dog parks for dogs to run.
My tip is to even if your pet is in a fenced yard, keep an eye on them. And always wipe and dry their paws in the winter. You never know what they might step in.
i recommend routine vet visits and follow the vet’s advice to keep your dog healthy; especially to not overfeed your pet.
Great Product… we live where there is lots of snow! We also use mushers wax for the toes to keep clumps of snow and ice out of the paws! Happy Winter!
I always keep dog treats in my pocket so that if Sophie were to get loose, she would come right back to me!
safety tip: always use a leash even though your is super well trained, he’ll always be an animal