We’ve all been there…you meet someone at the dog or people park and want to arrange a play date but there’s no pen and paper handy to exchange numbers (left the cell phone in the car) or you really don’t want to give out ALL your details, just Facebook and Twitter. Or maybe you have an ebay or etsy shop you’d like to promote. I’ve also seen cards printed with a child’s name, photo, allergies and emergency contact numbers to hand out to teachers and sitters. They even have ones you can create to look like your own family!
However you decide to use this offer, you can get 100 Free Double-Sided Business Cards, custom printed with your info and design. Just pay $4.99 for shipping!
Getting started is easy, just visit InkGarden and use their online studio to create or customize your own cards from their templates and clip art or use your own! USE CODE: 100FREE for One-Sided and USE CODE: 100FREE2 for 100 Free Double-Sided business cards.
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