Based on your feedback (and Daisy’s), Bully Sticks are one of the most popular dog treats and something you LIKE finding deals for! Yesterday I told you about a whole bunch of sale items from $4.99 that ship for FREE from and hopefully you’ll snag a bunch of bargains there for your pups!
Even better than cheap is FREE so I also want to make sure you know about the Giveaway going on over at Best Bully Sticks, just in case you missed it on your last shopping visit to the site! Go on an Easter Egg Hunt for a chance to Win Bully Sticks for an entire year! Here’s the scoop on how it works, so you can just head on over and get started hunting!
How it Works
Follow each clue to where you think it’s leading. All wording in clues is very important. All answers to clues are found within You’ll know you got it right when you see a numbered Easter Egg within a product posting!
Submitting Your Answers
Submit your answers in numbered format (1-12). NO unnumbered or misnumbered entries. Email your entries to callie.bestbullysticks@gmail.
If more than one person finds all 12 Easter Eggs, they will pick a random winner. Winner will receive a $200 Best Bully Sticks Gift Certificate! Good Luck!!!
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