3 Free Kindle Books for Dog Lovers!

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I’m always on the lookout for free books to add to my reading library and Amazon usually has a whole slew of free Kindle books available for anyone to download. They change up the free selection  often so it’s important to check frequently and snag them while you see them…then they are yours to own forever, even after the book goes back to regular list price!

You don’t even need a Kindle device to read Kindle books. Just download the free Kindle reading app for your iPad, Tablet, SmartPhone, PC or other device and you are ready to go!

I found several fun FREE Kindle Books today and thought I’d share these 3 that are dog-related. Remember to check the price before downloading your copy since they don’t stay $0.00 for long:

Shep dreams of home

Shep Dreams of Home  $0.00

dog quotes book

Dog Quotes: Proverbs, Quotes & Quips $0.00

dog park christian fiction book

Dog Park $0.00 


  1. Sharon Gilbert says

    Thank You!!

  2. You’re quite welcome!!!

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