Wordless Wednesday: Daisy’s Got Mail!

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Daisy dog opening her doggyloot mail

Does your dog love getting mail as much as Daisy does? I swear she knows which packages are for her, like this one we got from the doggyloot Toy of the Month Club yesterday! I won’t show you what’s in it since I don’t want to ruin the surprise for anyone else who hasn’t gotten theirs yet, but she sure had fun opening her mail! And yes, I know I need to trim her nails!

wordless wednesday pet photos


  1. I LOVE getting mail…I love going to the mailbox to get the mail even if it isn’t for me. BOL
    Happy Wednesday! Oz

  2. Oh ya, these guys know when packages come, it’s usually for them. 

  3. My dogs get excited about any packages that comes in the mail. Yet, still give the UPS man attitude. Go figure. 🙂

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