I’m always on the lookout for great books to read myself and to give as gifts, so when I heard about this new one, I knew I had to share it with you. Whether you are an avid reader or are looking for unique holiday gift ideas for the animal lover on your list this year, be sure to check out Saving Simon: How a Rescue Donkey Taught Me the Meaning of Compassion. Not only is it an amazing and inspirational story, but it’s also on sale right now in both the Hardcover (39% OFF) and Kindle edition (56% OFF).
In the spring of 2011, the book’s author Jon Katz received a phone call that would challenge every idea he ever had about mercy and compassion. An animal control officer had found a neglected donkey on a farm in upstate New York, and she hoped that Jon and his wife, Maria, would be willing to adopt him.
Jon wasn’t planning to add another animal to his home on Bedlam Farm, certainly not a very sick donkey. But the moment he saw the wrenching sight of Simon, he felt a powerful connection. Simon touched something very deep inside of him. Jon and Maria decided to take him in.
Simon’s recovery was far from easy. Weak and malnourished, he needed near constant care, but Jon was determined to help him heal. As Simon’s health improved, Jon would feed him by hand, read to him, take him on walks, even confide in him like an old and trusted friend. Then, miraculously, as if in reciprocation, Simon began to reveal to Jon the true meaning of compassion, the ways in which it can transform our lives and inspire us to take great risks.
Visit Amazon HERE to read more and grab a copy or two. Remember that Amazon sale prices can change quickly and without notice (as I’ve learned the hard way) so don’t wait!
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