Save money on pet supplies during the Petco Friends & Family event when you shop online or in-store. For those of you heading out to your nearest Petco location, be sure to print this Petco coupon for 20% off your entire purchase. Or show cashier the coupon on your mobile device.
If you prefer to shop online and have your pet supplies delivered, use Petco Promo Code: friends to get 20% OFF at checkout plus free shipping ($50 minimum for online purchases). Visit to get started.
Ideas for using your Petco Coupon or Code
- Stock up on Daisy’s favorite Natural Balance Dental Chews
- Calm your dog during summer travel or storms with Thundershirt
- Upgrade your cat’s litter box
- Get some new aquarium and fish supplies
- Shop for a dog crate, kennel or pet travel carrier
- Buy a habitat, house or hutch for your gerbil, mouse, hamster or rabbit
- Keep your dog or cat hydrated with a pet water fountain
- Shop for more pet supplies at Petco (event ends 6/27)
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