Once upon a time there was a gang of Mean, Rotten, Mad and totally FED UP Kitties who wandered the neighborhood taking great pleasure in being down-right unpleasant to dogs that crossed their paths. These boys were a dog’s worst nightmare. They were Really Really Scary. The perfect toy for every frustrated cat chaser, Terrible Nasty Scaries are just begging for an attitude adjustment from your dog!
Part of the Terrible Nasty Scaries series from Fat Cat, you can get this BIG MEAN KITTY dog toy for way below regular price ($11.99 retail) at 13Deals. Right now they have it on sale for $4.99 but use Promo Code 40wow and the price drops to only $2.99. Even after adding shipping cost, your total will come to $5.98 Shipped!
You can read the whole story of Fat Cat and the Terrible Nasty Scaries, and see retail pricing here. THEN, visit 13Deals here to use the promo code and get your BIG MEAN KITTY dog toy for $2.99 here!
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