Holiday Gift Tutorial: How To Make Custom Photo Books + 25% OFF

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Creating Custom Books for the Holidays? Super Easy Book-Making Video + Discount!
(sponsored by Blurb)

It could be just me, but I think it’s much easier to learn how to do something by watching a video — even it is’s a short one. For instance, making your own custom book seems like it would be really complicated, but then you watch a video walking you through it and it becomes pretty understandable and super easy.

Learn How To Make Your Own Photo Books

Here’s a video from Blurb that quickly teaches you how to make your own photo books—sort of a book making boot camp. This short video (which is less than 3 min. long) walks you through how to use Blurb’s BookSmart Tool to design your book, upload photos, change layout and more.

Make a Photo Gift Book from Instagram

If you are on Instagram, it’s really easy to create a special Instagram Photo Book. Take all those super CUTE photos of the fur kid and publish them for Grandma and Grandpa and everyone else to enjoy!

dog photo book

Save with Blurb Promo Codes

To help you cross some gifts off your holiday shopping list, there’s a very special offer for new customers only. Save 25% on photobooks. Just make sure to use Blurb Promo Code OCT25% and order by 10/31.

If you’ve already made a book before with Blurb, you can skip the tutorial and head right on over to save 20% on photobooks which is great news if you’re thinking ahead to the holidays and making a gift to send! Make sure to order by 10/31 and use Blurb Promo Code OCT20%

Don’t wait because these deals end October 31st…and with these discounts, you can create some really thoughtful personalized gift books for friends and family! Visit to get started now.

This Puppy Will Help Teach You How To Fold A Fitted Sheet

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folding fitted sheet video

I’ll admit that I’ve never learned how to fold a fitted sheet. I’ve searched for tutorials on Google, watched videos, and even looked it up in my copy of Martha Stewart’s Homekeeping Handbook.

Yes, there really is such a book, and yes, I own a copy although I’m not much of a housekeeper. It’s a GREAT book, and has a helpful section about living with pets, but even Martha couldn’t teach me how to fold fitted sheets.

martha stewart book

Today I was doing online research for a future Pet DIY post and found this super CUTE and fun video starring an adorable little puppy! I don’t know how many times I’ll need to watch it to figure out the folding, but the song is super catchy so thought I’d share the love…enjoy!

Have you figured out the secret to folding fitted sheets? How’d you learn? Share your tips!