For 24 Hours Only: Save 58% on this Ronco Food Dehydrator and start making healthy and LOW-COST Treats and Snacks at home for your fur baby and humans, too! This food dehydrator can be used to make all-natural dried fruit or vegetable leather, banana chips and can also be used to make beef jerky or chicken jerky for dogs and people! No more worrying about where your dog’s treats were made or what is in them!
Feel free to have a look at the Instruction Manual for Ronco Food Dehydrator for more information and ideas of what you can make and how it works! Regular price is $59.95 but you can get the Ronco Food Dehydrator on sale for only $24.99 + $4.99 Shipping!
If you miss the 1-Day Sale or need a larger dehydrator, you can get a great price on a similar model. Amazon has the Ronco 5-Tray Electric Food Dehydrator for only $47.39 including Free Shipping!
I’ve had my Ronco Dehydrator for over 15 years…… Yep, still works. Easy to clean. Bought used at a yard sale for sole purpose of drying my “herbs” and it worked very well. Married & older…..switched to easy jerky and bananas and other fruits lying around. Had a ready supply of apples so slice em & dry em! Finally discovered how to make the leather. Jumped a generation and whilst watching grandson decided to make rollups on the weekend. Wow, did that light his fire. We pureed any and everything he could find. Since I am in the “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” mode I began to makes no oil, no fat salsas, and pureed veggies with pepper flakes and Braggs Amino acid for super delightful treats. Back in the day, to ensure scent protection and product safety I used an auto brake bleeder hand vacuum tool to seal my product Now using my old Ronco and brake vacuum bleeder, I can make chicken and beef super great. Right after cooking in light BBQ sauce and while still hat I load into previously heated quart sized Mason Jars and add more of my sauce concoction and apply a vacuum overnight. Next morning….remove, lightly blot and on to my Ronco to be slowly dehydrated. Damn, it that really good. Thanks guys Did I say how really good that is? Fits right into the special diet and provides an great snack for my wife and I. Oh by the way, later, I bought those dam knives. Still sharp as hell. Keep em comming Ron. Best regards, Jim Walder