Our thoughts are with all of you and your pets that are in areas affected by Hurricane Sandy. Please stay safe! There are several helpful websites, tools and resources for pet parents so here’s a very quick roundup of links that I thought might be useful:
- The Red Cross offers info, updates and contact info for people needing aid, on their website RedCross.org. You can also dial “**REDCROSS” (**73327677) from your mobile phone and they will send you a link to download their app or you can download them directly from the iTunes or Google Play app stores. The app is free and has useful tools including a shelter finder, storm tracker, find help and let others know you are safe even if the power is out!
- The ASPCA is posting updates and information related to Hurricane Sandy and pets here.
- Google has put together this extensive Hurricane Crisis Map with list of resources and shelter.
- For everyone on Twitter, follow the hashtag #SandyPets for the latest updates and info on pet-related news during Hurricane Sandy.
- On their page dedicated to Natural Disasters and Pets, the Humane Society of America is displaying a live Twitter Feed with information and updates from all Sandy related tweets, including where to find shelter and pet-friendly tips. This is very helpful if you don’t have a twitter account. I’ve also included the feed below:
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