We’ve got an exciting new giveaway from PawBox, the premium discovery box for dogs, and 10 LUCKY Dogs are going to WIN! We included PawBox in our Holiday Gift Guide for Pets this year because we love the concept of an affordable mystery box filled with premium trial sizes of cool new stuff for dogs. It makes a fabulous gift for any dog on your list, so be sure to stop by the gift guide and find out how to get your first PawBox for only $5 with the special reader discount we’ve arranged!
Win 1 of 10 PawBox Premium Discovery Boxes for Dogs!
This giveaway runs thru December 19, 2012, is open to US residents age 18+ and uses the Rafflecopter Widget for FAST and EASY ENTRY! There are many OPTIONAL entry methods to give you additional chances to win, but just choose the ones you want. Email addresses and other info are only used to verify and contact the winner. Rest assured that your information will never be sold or shared with anyone. All entry methods are subject to verification. Please make sure you provide all required information or your entries won’t count!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Artie loves both toys and treats, but Kouga is a treats guy all the way. Both love peanut butter anything.
Lulu loves both treats and toys. She wants everything.
My german shepard/Shiba inu mix pup loves anytbing that squeaks
My dogs Eleanor and Mac love both equally. They have so many toys and if they hear the word “treat” you better give them a treat.
We rescued our dog and she was very neglected (and malnourished). She loves whatever we give her! 🙂
I have a boxer named Roxy…when she was younger she loved toys, but now she just loves treats!!!!
My 5 dogs love being spoiled!!! If there’s anything in the box they don’t want, we’ll donate to rescue!
Simon my 11 1/2 yr old Shi/Poo loves soft toys. Tazer my 5 yr. old Rescued Min pin loves tug toys and Iris the 1 yr old baby Long haired chi/toy poo loves anything that lays around on the floor.
Little Red loves toys & treats – he doesn’t discriminate 🙂
We rescued a dog that we named Sweetie back in September. She loves treats, toys & being brushed daily.
I think my beagle, Bru, loves treats and toys equally. I enjoy treating him for learning new tricks and good behavior. He may enjoy his toys, especially destroying them, but I don’t like having to clean them up and buy new ones! So his mommy definitely prefers treats, I suppose…
Our pups LOVE their treats!
My dog Honey sure does love her treats, but at the same time she loves her toys!!! She is happy with just caring her blanket around too.
Cole he loves treats
My dog pinky is 10 weeks old and loves treats and toys. Let him hear the bag of treats and you will see what happens. LOL
jayhawk loves sauasges and his fav toys
I have a dog named Abbey who LOVES toys….they are great for training too! Her partner in crime, Mr. Buster, loves any treat!
I have 4 dogs, Rozy, Adrianne, Buster and Junebug. They love both their treats and toys the same, I think. I prefer the toys though.
Shayna and definitely both
Casey loves new toys!
My rescued pibble is named Rocket. He loves his bone the best!
I have three dogs, Kota, Kita, Shunta and they’ll take a treat any day over a toy.
My dogs names are Rasa and Tori and they love treats!
I have nine rescued dogs and one foster dog, Pretty. Honey, Sunshine, Godiva, Bella, Lulu, Lumpy, Bozz, Brees, Ani Mae, and Pretty all love treats and toys! Thank you!
We have two puppy dogs! Maverick is a 1 year old yellow lab mix and Blackie is a 11 year old black lab mix! They both love their treats but Maverick love, Love, LOVES toys!!!
Maverick and Kristy are my 2 English Springer Spaniels. Kristy is a treat freak and Maverick loves his stuffed animals.
My babys name is Ralphie a 6yr old Chocolate Lab and he loves Milk Bones and stuffed squeeky toys, balls, treat toys, ropes and any toy out there.
My Sammy definitely likes toys better, he is kind of anorexic and doesn’t eat much, including treats, but he can play with his toys for hours!
My dogs love toys and treats. A toy that gives out treats is one of their favorite.
My Dixie girl is definitely a big treat fan.
My baby girl is Riken and she loves her toys! I try not to give her too many treats, so I make it up to her with toys!
My doggies names are Thor and Isis. They love their toys and treats! Thor has an addiction to squeaky toys and Isis loves her beggin strips and a nice bone to chew on =)
Shiloh loves both just about equally- maybe toys a bit more. Cheyenne however has almost zero interest in toys- she’s all about the treats!
My dog Popsicle is a hound and LOVES treats. She likes toys, too, if they are edible.
Riley & Sophia are my dogs names. They love toys the most but treats come in a close second.
My dog’s name is Sissy and she loves toys AND treats! She’s just happy to have a good home 🙂
My Precious love both equally, she’s always wanting treats and always bringing her toys for you to play with her.
Blue loves both equally!
Sprocky. Treats all the way!
Schooner and SKipper would share the treats and toys. The y love both equally.
I have 2 dogs, Toby and Sushi. They love both toys and treats equally.
I have two dogs, Ducky and Brutis.. They love treats of any kind but their raw hides are still their fave.. They also love toys with squeekies in them.
I have 3 doggies that are my personal companions and they all love natural, grain free, made in USA treats as their favorite things. I also have rescue Yorkies and they want toys and more toys!!!
Mine is named Lily and she loves toys that make noise.
This looks like an awesome fun PawBox!
My girls’ names are Bella & Ash. Both love toys and treats pretty equally! =)
I have two dogs. My Great Pyrannees could care less about toys, but he loves treats. He wakes me up in the morning with nudges until I get up and get him a dog biscuit. My Australian Shephard likes treats too, but she’s the queen of squeeky toys. She squeeks them so much that our parrot has started to mimic the sound.
Oops, I forgot to tell you their names. The Great Pyrannees is Tundra, and the Australian Shephard is Faith.
Steel is a food monster. Bring on the treats!
Molimo could care less about food, but she loves a good noisy toy!
MoJo and Bugs love them both and the attention that comes with them.
Samson loves dog bones!!!
i would love to win this for my dog diesel he LOVES treats this would bethe perfect gift for him since he has to get his teeth done in a couple days.
Our dogs name is Remy and he loves both! The only thing he dislikes is a bath. Thanks for the giveaway!!
I have 3 awesome dogs who love all kinds of toys and I love finding new fun things for them to try. I have had so much fun finding new products online and entering contests and finding new blogs and websites for critter mamas like me, and love that you show us ways to still spoil our fur babies while not breaking the bank. Scooby , Daisy, and Jackson thank you too for all the great things that I have started bringing home since following your blog. 🙂
Cooper loves a new toy, anything to sniff and explore just as equally as something that will satisfy his tummy like a treat!
We have two dogs Kira, who loves her toys and thinks any toy in the house is hers and Toby would loves treats especially people food.
I have 3 dogs. Emily & Buddy would like treats best. Scooter would like toys best. Thanks
my little augie would love treats and toys, preferably together at the same time!!
My dogs name is Murphy…I adopted him from a rescue last year, he had been looking for a new forever home for a long time. Was so happy to find him and we have been so happy together! He LOVES toys and treats equally…he really didnt get them before so he didnt know how to play with toys…but learned quickly! And…he LOVES his treats! LOL
Sarah is a treat girl! She’s a mill rescue that simply isn’t interested in toys at all.
My pup’s name is Bailey, she’s a Golden and she loves her toys!
Nina loves both! Sometimes she’d rather shake her ‘babies’ or times she rather crunch on a chew… yep, she picks no favorites.
my dogs name if babe and she love anything that squikes
Pepper loves both toys and treats!
YoYo my Min-Pin loves his little tennis ball while Spaz my Boxer -Mix will do anything for a treat 🙂 <- Food junkie lol
My dog, Nugget, loves his toys and treats. Even better if he can have both a toy and a treat at the same time!
we have a great chocolate lab named sampson , he has epilepsy and is our second child
My dogs would love a PawBox!!
My dog’s name is Lulu and she loves both equally 🙂
I’m entering for my parents ‘hot dog’ named Mike, he’s pretty picky but he loves Dingos and stuffed toys.
Tanner and Logan – two min pins!! They LOVE treats 🙂
Gunner and max, they like treats more then toys
My dogs name is Bandit and he is an American Akita 125lb lap dog..lol His favorite toy is stuffed animals that squeek and his favorite treats are beggin strips..
My 5 puppers love goodies! And treats!
Treats!!! And toys lol but treats more!
My cockapoo Riley loves treats and toys but will always take food over fun!