As pet parents, many of us have made it through some of our toughest days thanks to the unconditional love of a dog. I saw this story (reported and photographed by Miranda Leitsinger / NBC News) about a man and his dog doing their small part to help comfort and ease the suffering of grieving Newton community members, and it touched my heart so I wanted to share it with you.
Michael Cragin is a long-time resident of Newton, a retired special ed teacher, and volunteer firefighter. He’s also the owner of Truman, a 15 month old English Bulldog. Although nothing can undo the horrific tragedy and loss that took place in Newton, CT on Friday, Cragin wanted to do something to help ease the pain the whole community is feeling…even if just for a few moments. His idea: make his adorable pup Truman available for free hugs to anyone who needs one! Read the full story…
Wow. What a great idea. I truly believe animals can do what people can’t. Even in my own small “tragedies”, people rarely provided comfort. Words mean nothing in grief. So how could they possibly do any good in a situation as horrible as this? But dogs can provide relief. They don’t try to explain it or pressure you or do anything other than * be there*, show compassion and love in ways only a dog can. And when you’re ready, as the man in this article pointed out, they’re great ice breakers. So my gratitude goes out to this man and his dog and the simple, powerful help they’re giving back to the community that needs it so badly.
Awesome little dog and his dad offering comfort and hugs to help ease the pain suffered by those in Ct. Kuddos to you both!
I love that he is doing this. Often times without my kitties & pooches to help me get through things, I do not know what I would do.