There are several new FREE Kindle Editions available today for download over at Amazon that I thought would be of interest to pet parents. You can read on just about any device including Android, Apple, Windows and more. So even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can still add them to your library and enjoy anytime! Remember that prices change frequently over at Amazon, so act quickly and be sure you verify each book is still $0.00 before confirming your order.
Cooking with Canines, 30 Fun Recipes for Man’s Best Friend $0.00 ($8.99 reg)
Secrets of a Working Dog: Unleash Your Potential and Create Success $0.00 ($6.99 reg)
90 Money-Saving Websites: Cash In From the Comforts of Home $0.00 ($3.99 reg)
Beginner’s Backyard Chickens: Choosing the Best Chicken Breeds, Coops and Feeds $0.00 ($3.07 reg)
Easy Dog Training Book $0.00 ($2.99 reg)
Organic Gardening 101: A Step by Step Beginner’s Guide $0.00 ($2.99 reg)
Teaching Your Old Dog New Tricks $0.00 ($2.99 reg)
Natural Green Home Cleaning For Beginners $0.00 ($0.99 reg)
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