If you’ve got a cat that’s anxious, scratches the furniture or engages in other unwanted behaviors like marking and spraying, you’ll want to check out Comfort Zone. It’s designed to mimic natural feline calming pheromones to reduce, or eliminate, stress-related behavior and according to the manufacturer, it’s clinically proven 95 percent effective.
Comfort Zone makes a calming diffuser that plugs in to the wall and they are usually on the pricey side, but I just got a heads up that they are 71% Off right now at Amazon! Head on over and you can snag the Comfort Zone with Feliway Diffuser for Cats for $14.99 ($50.99 reg) plus read more about how it works. While it may not be the solution for every kitty, at $14.99 it’s certainly worth a shot if your feline friends shows signs of being anxious, has lost their appetite, or engages in destructive behaviors.
Remember to always check with your veterinarian if your pet has a sudden loss of appetite, or changes in behavior. This can sometimes signal a health problem other than just moodiness or anxiety and only a medical professional can help you determine that.
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