PMD: Professional Microdermabrasion Beauty Treatments At Home!

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Let’s talk skin! Like many pet parents I spend lots of time outdoors and often spend more time and money caring for Daisy’s grooming needs than I do my own.  The lack of attention I’ve been paying to my skin is starting to really show!

We live where it’s warm and sunny all year and though I’ve tried to be good about the sunscreen, my skin is showing definite signs of sun damage and dark spots. I’ve always struggled with enlarged pores and now that I’m getting older, I’m also seeing lots of fine lines and random rough patches popping up. I’ve got a few old acne scars I’d like to get rid of, too.

Most of you know me well enough by now, to know that I’m always on the hunt for effective, affordable solutions for both pets AND their people. I’ve been testing out the PMD, Personal Microderm Device, for about 3 weeks now and am super excited to let you in on the secret. For about the price of one spa facial or visit to a cosmetic dermatologist, you can give yourself weekly skin rejuvenation and anti-aging treatments at home!

PMD microderm device

What is PMD?

PMD is an at-home microdermal exfoliation system that uses the same aluminum oxide crystals found in the equipment at your doctor’s office, salons and fancy spas. It’s designed to  help improve your skin texture and appearance in two ways: The aluminum oxide crystals embedded into the exfoliating discs work to resurface the stratum corneum skin layer (that’s the one that can make skin look dull and old), plus the PMD uses vacuum suction to stimulate blood flow and bring collagen to the surface. Both of these actions help your skin care products to penetrate deeper into the skin so you use less and they are more effective, too!

Why I Like It:

Most of us don’t have time and money to make frequent visits to the spa or cosmetic dermatologist. Even if you have health insurance, anti-aging and microderm treatments aren’t covered and can be expensive since you usually need repeated visits to see results. With the PMD, you buy it once, own it for life and use it  every 6-7 days on your own schedule. I’ve only been using it for 3 weeks but I am already seeing and feeling smoother skin, and am starting to see a brighter, more even skin tone too. Here’s more reasons I’m a fan of this beauty tool:

  • No batteries to replace: PMD plugs in for use so there’s no remembering to charge it or spending money on batteries.
  • Easy to use: The DVD that comes with it is fast and simple to understand and you’re also provided with a “training disc” so you can get comfortable using the device safely.
  • Fast: You only make 1-2 passes on each area of your skin and then you’re done. You’d still be driving to the salon or doctor’s office if you were headed there for a treatment!
  • Helps your skin care products work better: You’ll spend less because after a PMD treatment, your products sink in faster and work better. Plus you use less to get the same results.
  • Smaller, clearer pores already: Some of the benefits take longer to show up but I started noticing that my pores looked smaller after the very first treatment.
  • Not just for the face: PMD comes with small discs for facial treatment, plus larger ones for knees, elbows, feet and anywhere else on the body that needs extra attention.
  • Multiple Disc Options:  Choose the level of microdermabrasion that you are comfortable with from Sensitive (blue) to Maximum (Red). I’m using the blue for now but plan to work my way up.

PMD blue disc for sensitive skin

What You Need To Know:
  • Watch the DVD and some online videos before you start: It’s comparable to professional treatments so you want to make sure you’re doing it correctly both for safety and effectiveness.
  • Wear Sunscreen: We’re all supposed to do this daily anyway but it’s extra important since the PMD is resurfacing your skin and you want to protect the more sensitive layers that are being exposed.
  • Ask your doctor: If you are under the care of a dermatologist or other doctor for a skin or health condition, be sure to check with them. Especially if you use topical prescription skin treatments or other meds.
  • Be patient: We all want immediate results but it takes time. Be sure to wait the 6-7 days between treatments to get the best results.
  • Discs last 2-4 treatments each, depending on the length of each treatment.
Get Your Own PMD and Connect Online:

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  1. I used to have something similar but my boy broke it. I’ve been on the look for a new one and I think this might just be it! Thanks for the amazing review…I honestly would love to be able to go to the spa on a regular basis but life is such and I haven’t even been once. This might just be my skin’s salvation 😀

  2. Savannah Miller says

    I so need this!! Between taking care of my kids and pets I never have time for myself! Thank you for the great review I’m def. going to be checking out the PMD

  3. I do so hate that I am starting to look my age! Thanks for sharing this…something needs to be done soon and I havent decided yet what it is going to be!

  4. I love all these home kits! i need to snag one and add it to my routine.

  5. Sounds like a great system!

  6. This is neat I would probably never do it if it is something i have to do at the Salon or store but doing it at home would be great !

  7. I love my PMD for my face, however i totally forgot about the larger discs they come with. Gonna have to give my feet a little TLC tonight!

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