My February Christmas or “How HomeGoods Rescued Woof Woof Papa From the Dog House”

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In a slight departure from my usual pet deals posts, I have the BEST story about AMAZING Customer Service I’d like to share with everyone! We are all typically so quick to complain when things go wrong or we have a problem with a product or company, that I really want to give KUDOS and let everyone know what an excellent experience I had with HomeGoods recently!

If you follow me on Twitter you might have seen some tweets about my recent disappointment over not getting a certain snow globe I wanted for Christmas. We are on a bit of a tight budget and don’t really buy much for each other…mostly just for rescue pup Daisy, the nieces, our new nephew and other close relatives, but I saw it while we were out shopping and REALLY loved it. I’ve never really cared about snow globes one way or another but this one just seemed special and living in Florida, I thought it would bring a little bit of Winter we’ve been missing since moving down from up north several years ago.

tweet about snow globe

It wasn’t an expensive request, but apparently dear hubby wasn’t really paying attention, or I didn’t make it completely clear to him just how much I wanted it. I don’t think he realized that it was a SPECIAL, Limited-Edition Snow Globe produced once a year to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Charity, and just figured it would be there when he got around to going shopping. Like most hubbies, he tends to put off shopping til the last minute!

day after Christmas Facebook plea

So Christmas came and went with NO snow globe under the tree. Hubby realized I’d seriously wanted it and started calling around. I took to Twitter and Facebook in hopes that someone would spot one somewhere!

HomeGoods was kind enough to check around and tweet back with some suggestions of stores in my area that might still have one in stock, but after several more calls we gave up. All hope was lost. There was not a single St. Jude’s Snow Globe anywhere to be found! These things happen and I tried not to be too hard on my hubby but he still felt bad and I was still teasing him about it until about mid-January.

THEN, a couple days ago, completely out of the blue, I got an unexpected message from HomeGoods on Twitter…talk about Following Up! I honestly figured they’d given up on me and my snow globe drama. After all, it wasn’t their fault, and I’m sure they are busy with more important things! They’d really tried to help but I never expected to get this DM from them almost six weeks later:
homegoods dm about snow globe
WHAT?!? After doing a little Happy Dance, I messaged them back with an OMG, a THANKS, and my address. I wasn’t exactly sure if they really meant they were sending me THE Snow Globe, or just felt bad that I didn’t get my Christmas present and were sending me something similar. Well, today I got my answer…don’t know how, but they found one and here it is!
My Snow Globe Christmas in February

So, that’s the story of how I got my Christmas present in February! I just want to say a HUGE Thank You to HomeGoods for this thoughtful gesture! It really means a lot that someone there took the time to make this happen!

To express his gratitude for being rescued on this one, Daisy’s papa is making a donation to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Fund in appreciation! St. Jude is the children’s medical charity that the snow globe was designed to benefit and thanks to donations and special product fundraisers like this one, St. Jude families never pay for treatment not covered by insurance, and no child is ever denied treatment because of the family’s inability to pay. They also conduct research that leads to pioneering care and treatments for childhood cancer and other deadly diseases. If you would like to support their work, you can learn more and make a donation to St. Jude here!


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Happy New Year 2012

Daisy, her Papa and I wish everyone a very Healthy and Happy New Year! Looking forward to a FANTASTIC 2012!!!

Daisy Tested and Approved: Thundershirt Dog Anxiety Treatment Wrap – Cute Pink or Blue Rugby Design!

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Daisy loves wearing her Thundershirt and it sure helps calm and soothe her when she gets overly excited or anxious…I just wish they’d had this cute Pink Rugby Design when we bought hers! Be the first dog on the block to sport this cool-looking new design in Blue or Pink, available for $44.95 with Free Shipping at Amazon.

I love that the Thundershirt works immediately, and is a drug free treatment we can use only when we need it. We usually put it on her if we take her out to eat, like in this picture of her hanging out with us at our local sports bar. People always stop to see and pet her and sometimes it stresses her out. I can’t wait to get the new design…so cute!
Daisy out to lunch in her Thundershirt

Daisy is Getting Tired of Waiting for Santa to Arrive!

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Daisy Christmas 2011

Wishing Everyone a Safe & Happy Holiday with Lots of Toys & Treats!

Save 60% on KONG Red Classic Large and Four Cans of Peanut Butter Stuff’N Easy Treat – Plus Free Shipping

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Kong and Peanut Butter stuffing on sale

Barking Deals is offering a huge discount on the Red Classic KONG chew toy plus four 8oz. cans of KONG Stuff ‘N Peanut Butter Paste. I love this deal because it combines a toy with a treat which makes for one HAPPY pup!

Daisy’s first toy was a KONG and she still has it, so we can vouch for how durable they are! And everyone knows that pups LOVE peanut butter…the messy part is getting it into the KONG without getting it all over. KONG’s peanut butter in a can solves this problem.

If your dog already has a KONG, consider getting an extra. They are fun to fill and keep in the freezer for an added surprise when you treat your pup! The frozen filling (peanut butter or plain nonfat greek yogurt are our favorites) keeps dogs occupied longer and help prevent boredom while you are away.

You don’t want to fill the entire KONG with stuffing…instead, pack some frozen peas, baby carrot pieces, or other low cal treats in and then use some stuffing to seal it in. Or create layers like a puppy parfait!

Get this Barking Deal for only $19.99 including shipping, and receive the Red Classic KONG chew toy plus four 8oz. cans of KONG Stuff ‘N Peanut Butter Paste.