Nutrisystem Week 5 Update: New Foods + Tips for Thanksgiving! #NSNation

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Nutrisystem breakfast burritoWe received our month 2 food delivery from Nutrisystem last week, and got some yummy new items including a tasty and filling Breakfast Burrito! Also loving the new desserts, but more about that in a future update! One of the things I really enjoy on the Nutrisystem program is the variety. We get to stock up on our favorite foods (pizza for me and cheesy home style potatoes for the hubby) plus try new ones from the large menu of options.

While things are going really well and I’m super pleased with our progress, I have been a bit worried about staying on track as we head deep into what I like to refer to as “the holiday eating season”. That’s the time of year that starts around Halloween and runs through New Year’s.

To help, the folks over at Nutrisystem sent us some Diet-friendly Tips for Thanksgiving! That’s another thing I really like about the program…it’s not just about the food. We also get support, advice, tools and tips to help us change the habits and eating issues that led to our weight problems in the first place.

A few Thanksgiving Diet Tips and Strategies we are planning to follow (they work for everyone, not just Nutrisytem members):

  • If you’re cooking, keep your bottle of water with you in the kitchen, so you’re less tempted to snack.
  • Stay away from the appetizer table. We’ll substitute raw vegetables since those are unlimited!
  • Instead of just sitting around after dinner, take a family walk, or organize a touch-football game. We plan to take Daisy for an extra long walk!
  • Don’t skip meals in an attempt to “bank” calories. Instead, eat everything on your meal plan leading up to the holiday event to help stay on track.

Since most of us dieters will still want to indulge in some of the traditional Thanksgiving favorites, here are some portion guideline to keep in mind:

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Nutrisystem Week 4 Update: Weight Loss, BMI and Bears…Oh MY! #NSNation

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Daisy dog checking out our Nutrisystem food deliver and bear

It’s time for our weekly Nutrisystem progress update and I can’t believe 4 weeks have flown by so quickly! In case you missed it, you can catch up on last week’s post here. Woof Woof Papa and I are pretty happy after our weigh in today, and we’re both celebrating a couple of milestones to tell you about!

One milestone we’re both celebrating this week is an improvement in our BMI numbers. BMI stands for Body Mass Index, and is an approximation of body fat based on a person’s height and weight. Because Obesity is linked to numerous diseases and health conditions, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone know their BMI and try to stay within the Normal Range. If you’d like to learn more you can visit the CDC and use their Free BMI Calculator here.

Thanks to the tools and apps available to Nutrisystem members, we always know our BMI. Our charts update automatically each time we log our weight and this is really helping us stay motivated. Weight loss is slow and takes a long time, no question about that…if there were an instant fix, we’d have ALL heard about it by now. But being able to visualize our small victories along the way really helps us stay on track! As you can see, at the end of our first 4 weeks, we’ve both dropped from the Obese range (yikes!) to the Overweight Range. While we’re not where we need to be yet for optimal health, we think this is a great accomplishment and are thrilled!

Chart showing my BMI improvement on Nutrisysten

chart of hubby's BMI on nutrisystem

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Nutrisystem Week 3 Update Plus 4 Yummy Ways to Eat Your Veggies! #NSNation

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Woof Woof Papa and I just completed Week 3 on Nutrisystem and even managed to stay on track during Halloween. Honestly, I’m not a candy person anyway so the yummy desserts that come with the Nutrisystem program are more than enough to satisfy my sweet tooth…and hubby used super-human will power along with lots of air popped popcorn to keep from derailing his amazing progress!

I’m so proud of him and if you want to see how much we lost, just skip ahead to the end. I thought I share some tips and ideas that we’ve been using to make sure we get all the veggies we are supposed to be eating as grocery add-ins on the program. I’ve actually found this to be more challenging than I expected and drinking V8 Juice is one solution, but we’ve come up with 4 favorites to share with you:

arugula salad on pizza
Arugula Salad on Pizza: You can use any type of salad greens you like, but I’m a big fan of arugala, and it holds up really well on a warm dish. I LOVE the tastes and textures of salad and pizza together but my hubby keeps his separate. Usually I just dump it all over the pizza but I pushed it to the side so you can see! Nutrisystem pizzas are delish, too! My dressing is red wine vinegar with a tiny bit of olive oil and fresh ground black pepper.

veggies with hummus
Raw Veggies with Hummus: Use your favorite veggies; we like carrots, celery and cukes or zucchini if we’ve got it. Have as many as you’d like since vegetables are unlimited, but stick to 1/4 Cup of hummus since that equals 1 SmartCarb! This is one of our favorite snacks to eat while watching tv…especially football games. You can add a little hot sauce to the hummus to give it a kick if you miss your buffalo wings!

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Nutrisystem Week 2 Update: Food Log, Weight Loss Tracker and Apps #NSNation

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trackers and tools
Woof Woof Papa and I just finished our second week on the Nutrisystem weight loss program and we’re already starting to see results. Last week I told you about what to expect when your first Nutrisystem food order arrives and how we got started by organizing everything. Although it can seem overwhelming at first, we’ve been pleasantly surprised at how simple the system is to follow!

What’s really been helping us learn the program and stay on top of everything is all the fun and easy to use apps, trackers and other online tools Nutrisystem provides for members. I’ve already done a quick live chat with an online counselor when I had a question about my favorite Chobani yogurt and she was super friendly and helpful (more exciting news about Chobani soon!!!).

Chat with Nutrisystem counselor

What I like most so far is how I can log my info on either my laptop, iPad or phone depending where I am and what I’m doing…once you’ve created your online profile, it all syncs together to save the information in one place! So helpful since keeping tabs on what you eat and when is essential to staying on track. It’s not necessary to memorize everything since it’s all laid out so nicely, that the log also serves as a meal planner. You can use it to decide what to eat by browsing the options, and then record what you ate by adding items.  Here’s what the phone app looks like when you are in the meal planner section:

Nutrisystem food log screenshot

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Nutrisystem Week 1 Update: Getting Started – Unpacking All The Food! #NSNation

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Nutrisystem Delivery Pantry Items

Last week I shared the exciting news that Daisy’s Papa and I were starting Nutrisystem weight loss program! Over the next 4 months we’ll be giving you weekly updates on our progress, plus letting you know what we learn and like along the way.

Now that we’ve completed the first week, I thought I’d start by giving you an idea of what to expect when you start the program. My first bit of advice is to choose your start day ahead of time. Many people choose to start on a Monday, but I suggest Saturday as the best start day if you work during the week. It gives you time to get organized and learn how things work. It can all seem a little overwhelming at first, but having the weekend as your first few days gives you the chance to figure it all out and get set up with all the great resources and tools available to members!

Nutrisystem box of food

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